Saturday, July 7, 2012

Wallpaper making a comeback?

Remember when everyone had wallpaper in their kitchen, bathroom and dining room? I do. I was brought up in the wallpaper era. Actually I had it everywhere. I loved it and it looked fantastic. Then for reasons beyond my control, wallpaper was out. Fortunately I moved so I didn't have to remove all that beautiful wallpaper, but unfortunately the home I moved into had wallpaper in every room, layer over layer or it, and it was ugly. many years later I have only paint- no wallpaper. Bet you will never guess what is on my mind now. Yes wallpaper! I have to have it. We just received another gorgeous wallpaper book by Anna French and the papers are just so amazing I have to find a place for one of them. I just can't stop myself. Although I am fairly certain my husband will not be too happy when he finds out. Keep an eye out for my update with photos attached.