Saturday, August 23, 2008

Trash to Treasure

I have many customers that completely remodel their kitchen or bathroom and want to know what to do with their used cabinets, appliances and fixtures. I have found an answer for your old windows, ceiling fans or faucets they could find a second home instead of the local dump. The Loading Dock is an organization helping to reuse your unwanted building materials. Check out their website to see how you can help just by cleaning out your home.

The Loading Dock
Mission: To increase the supply of decent affordable housing for lower to moderate income families by facilitating the reuse of materials that would otherwise be thrown away. At the same time we are saving important environmental resources by taking reusable materials out of the waste stream.Contact: 410.558.3625Website:

Friday, August 15, 2008

Freshen up for fall

The fall is a great time to make some changes around your home. They don't have to be major renovations to make you feel inspired. Have us help you select fabrics and update your windows with soft valances or tailored cornices. Add pillows and a rug to complete a fresh new design for fall. Stop by our showroom or call for an appointment. We look forward to working with you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Step up your style!

Most of us think of a staircase as a form of transportation from one level to another. What if you thought of it as an opportunity to make a statement. There are many textures, patterns, styles and colors in carpet. Why not pick a floral or your favorite football team. Make it about you and your style. Don't worry about resale- it's just steps!